About Me:
My name is Eric Wasatonic ... or just call me: Tonic
I am the type of electrical engineer who grew up taking things apart to see how they worked. I still enjoy digging into electronics to repair things, to harvest parts, or to build something new. If money was no object, I could retire right now and never get bored as I curiously delve into an ever-growing list of projects that I want to tackle and share.
At the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, 2011.
Self portrait captured through green-filtering LCD projector optics, 2017.
About This Website:
I created this website in 2017, and expect it to be a perpetual WORK-IN-PROGRESS as I add content.
Some of the content is intended as supplemental information (extra photos, schematics, instruction manuals, etc.) for certain videos on my YouTube channel: Eric Wasatonic.
If you think this website looks like it's from the late 1990's, you are absolutely right. I made it that way by design (complete with cheesy animated GIFs) to emulate some other more-established websites (especially those in the following list) with similar content that inspired me to create this one.
Mike's Electric Stuff electricstuff.co.uk
Tesla Downunder tesladownunder.com
Captured Lightning capturedlightning.com
Sam Barros' PowerLabs powerlabs.org
Sphere Research Corporation sphere.bc.ca
Kilokat's Antique Light Bulb Site bulbcollector.com